One Self

One Self
Dante Davinci

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Love, life and the end of it all

Humans are at the point in their relationship with the earth where they know the girl treats us good but were still not quit ready to let go of our single and free way of living. Makes me wonder when we are going to Fuck it up just enough to go running back to her apologizing.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Suppression at its finest

Chilled hornitos tequila


Somehow he pulls off the stache so perfectly. I don't have that skill but hope to perfect it over the years

Man's ruin

Locked out or locked in?

Waterfront shadows

3rd person Photographer


My lil lady in all her glory

NYC with Baxter and Russian bars

A drunken night at Pravda

Flynn theatre

My first concert was here back in the 80's. It was Johnny Cash and I was 9 years old.

Cutting it up with Jordy @half lounge